Newsletter 7 Feb 2025
Last Sunday, the 3rd episode of De Gezonken Meesters was broadcast on tv. Maybe you’ve already seen it (with me in it). If not, spoiler alert: I didn’t win and nothing of my work was shown. But, below you’ll read why I still was a winner in a way!
De Gezonken Meesters focuses on 6 Dutch masterpieces that were lost in 1771 with the sinking of the ship Vrouw Maria. Anyone was allowed to enter this competition to breathe new life into one of these works, in any medium. In addition, two master painters take on the challenge of reconstructing the lost work as authentically possible.
An interesting challenge, I thought when I saw the open call at the beginning of last year. I could do the smallest painting, about the size of an A4 sheet, in between other projects. So I signed up for the work of Gabriël Metsu: “Dienstmeid met een haas”. Even though I participated in the free category, I wanted to make the work just like the master painters.
From preparations to the final result

During the recordings it became clear what the painting must have looked like, based on descriptions from auctions. Here’s what it came down to: “You see a handmaid, looking through a niche, holding a hare in her hand. In front of the niche is a tree, in which hangs a rooster.” That already gave a pretty clear picture. The adventure was off to a start and the deadline was in 12 weeks. On Pinterest I collected images of paintings by Metsu and his contemporaries. For the most important element, the handmaid, I asked a mom from school to pose for pictures. After some digital cutting, pasting and drawing, I had a fully rendered composition and still 11 weeks to go. Smooth sailing so far!

I started by making a gray underpainting for Metsu’s characteristic ‘silver look’. I had made a grisaille a few times before and every time it surprises me how calming it is to focus only on shapes, tonal values and edges. After this, it’s only a matter of adding color. This also went smoothly and by the time I was done I still had 7 weeks left! As I’m writing this I realize how boring this is according to television standards…
I was very happy to be chosen as one of the 30 finalists from the free category. It was fun to see the diversity of the other works. After all, the jury was looking for a creative, personal interpretation; as long as the spirit of the master was in it. During the recording of the finals, we were shown some clips from the jury during their judging round. I was (and still am) so proud that they praised my painting that it could have been a real Metsu! This was what I set out to achieve, so this was the best possible outcome for me.
The painting hangs in my studio, where I look at it daily with fond memories. And this is where it will stay for now : ) Feel free to send me a message if you want to see it in real life.
Now I am very much looking forward to February 16th, the opening of ‘The Female Approach’! This group exhibition features only female artists, from all over Europe. There will be live music from 14.00 and the opening will take place at 14.30.
I hope to see you there!
Galerie Bonnard
Berg 9, Nuenen