I’ve always had an interest in the human psyche. Wondering what drives people to make certain decisions and what’s going on in their heads and hearts. Reflecting on my own inner world drives me to paint exactly that.

My work focusses on portraits and figures, combining realism with fantasy or abstraction. Together they form a surrealistic whole with which I strive to portray a certain state of being. An inner world, often raw and unfiltered. Herein I see people’s strength and potential for growth. 

Jeanine Donkers is a Dutch figurative artist, living in Helmond. While having an interest in drawing as a child and exploring acrylic painting in her adolescent years, she went on to study social sciences. However, feeling this career wasn’t for her, she changed paths several times, searching for what she really wanted to do. Years later, after the birth of her children, she finally began making space for drawing and painting again. Jeanine grew to become a self-taught painter, working exclusively with oils. She has been painting full-time since 2022. The introspection that was needed to get her there, is what influences her most artistically. Her emotions and thoughts are reflected in her paintings, by which she tells a story. As such, her style can be described as narrative, or magical realism. 

Current exhibition

  • Group exhibition ‘The Female Approach’, Galerie Bonnard, Nuenen

16 feb – 6 apr

Previous exhibitions

  • Group exhibition ‘Vier de lente’, De Nispenhoeve, Prinsenbeek

9 – 24 mrt 2024

  • Nationale Kunstdagen, Evenementenhal Gorinchem

18 – 19 nov 2023

Jeanine Donkers is a Dutch figurative artist, living in Helmond. While having an interest in drawing as a child and exploring acrylic painting in her adolescent years, she went on to study social sciences. However, feeling this career wasn’t for her, she changed paths several times, searching for what she really wanted to do. Years later, after the birth of her children, she finally began making space for drawing and painting again. Jeanine grew to become a self-taught painter, working exclusively with oils. She has been painting full-time since 2022. The introspection that was needed to get her there, is what influences her most artistically. Her emotions and thoughts are reflected in her paintings, by which she tells a story. As such, her style can be described as narrative, or magical realism. 

Current exhibition

  • Group exhibition ‘The Female Approach’, Galerie Bonnard, Nuenen

16 feb – 6 apr

Previous exhibitions

  • Group exhibition ‘Vier de lente’, De Nispenhoeve, Prinsenbeek

9 – 24 mrt 2024

  • Nationale Kunstdagen, Evenementenhal Gorinchem

18 – 19 nov 2023


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