Newsletter 8 mar 2025

Today was the International Women’s Day. Although I only know this because my phone calendar told me so, I thought it would be a fitting day to tell you about my painting ‘Venus, the divine feminine’. Divine feminine… A term you probably haven’t heard of before. I hadn’t either, before making this painting.


It all started with a vision. That sounds rather woo-woo, but I can’t describe it any better. I saw it clearly: the subject, the composition and color. On the photo below you can read (or just see, if you can’t read Dutch) my description of this; my version of a quick, initial sketch. I often see an image for a potential painting in this way, but this one felt special. I could feel the movement and the energy. This woman carried a message; I just didn’t know what that was yet.


It was only when I had finished the painting and started looking for what it could mean, that I came across the term ‘divine feminine’. It is a passage to a state of insight and intuition. As one half of a whole, feminine energy relates to creativity and the emotional. The other half, male energy, is considered active, external-driven. They complement each other and are both present in everyone to a greater or lesser extent. These are a universal concept, which can be found in mythologies from different cultures. My image reminded me of the painting ‘The Birth of Venus’ by Botticelli from the 15th century, from which I partly derived the title.


I still can’t put into words the exact message or meaning of my Venus. But somewhere in this concept it can be found. Perhaps that is exactly what it’s all about: surrendering to the intuitive, without wanting to analyze it with logic.

Venus, the divine feminine
40 x 30 cm
Oil on panel


On show during ‘The Female Approach’, an exhibition with only female artists, at Galerie Bonnard.

ART talk

On Sunday 16 March, the gallery is organizing a free ART talk, where Rosanna Gaddoni, Yvonne Heemskerk and I will talk about our works. For more information and to sign up, visit the gallery’s website.


Galerie Bonnard
Berg 9, Nuenen


Thank you for your interest!



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